
Saturday, 21 January 2017

If I Could Be A Dream

I wish I could be a 'dream'. If I could, I would visit our misguided leaders, policy makers and those who run the banks and multinational corporations, in their sleep. I would fill their troubled heads with images, sounds and smells of meadows and verges full of wild flowers, butterflies, crickets and bees; sunshine, rain and clouds; breezes and howling winds, muddy puddles, brooks, rivers, and oceans; dandelion clocks and daisy chains; ancient woodlands and wild forests; home made bread, cake and compost; children and people of all races creeds and colours playing together and holding hands; freshly picked runner beans and tomatoes that have been grown outside and pollinated by local native bumblebees; healthy soil; arts and artists; rainbow coloured mosses and pale green lichen; song birds and slow worms; and lots and lots of glow worms; mountain tops and mole hills; Sunday afternoon walks and family get togethers from the days before shops were open every day of the week and Sundays truly were a day of rest; people playing music in local parks without a licence; pine martins, beavers, wolves and otters; open doors; raindrops caught in spiders webs; kindness; full moons and starlit skies; the feel of walking bare foot on wet grass; laughter; abundance for everyone; bridges and open arms; the sound of curlews on the Yorkshire moors; deliciously crisp but misshapen apples; fresh, unpolluted air and fresh, unpolluted (free) water; hedgerows brimming with life; more bees, butterflies, moths and crickets; and with so many more good, healthy, natural, magical, enchanting and beautiful things….. that they would not be able to resist falling head-over-heels in love with this amazing planet we live on. Then, they would wake up (in more than just one sense) and instead of their minds being full of fear, greed, hate and noise.... they would be full of love, peace, joy and stillness. They would abandon their destructive elitist policies, decisions, rules and regulations to reflect their new found 'earth, people and wildlife friendly' views.

This dream would be my gift to ALL those who have lost touch with the natural world. 

Wishing and hoping that peace, love, light and good old fashioned common sense will prevail



  1. Thanks Brigit for reminding me of all the things that make me happy. Much needed in these troublesome times. I think we can stay strong if we remember the good stuff and spread it around x

    1. Thank you so much for reading my post Tessa and for your kind comment. I agree..... we can stay strong if we remember and share the good stuff. Much love x

  2. Brigit this is so beautiful. Exactly how I feel. I have cried twice today. The first time was during my Mother Earth meditation when feelings just burst out of me and manifested as sobbing. Then I have just cried again reading your words. Bless you for being there and inspiring so many. This is your life purpose. I wish I felt so supported. I meditate alone. I read alone, I think alone. I pick litter alone, I shop ethically alone and so it goes on. Perhaps Mother Earth knows my intent and is with me. I feel sad. Rather hard to keep positive today x

    1. Dear Ally, I am so sorry that you feel sad. I don't think there is any 'perhaps' about Mother Earth knowing your intent.... she definitely knows.... and though you may feel alone, you are joined by countless others when you meditate, read, think, pick litter and shop. When I was little, and through my teens and into my mid forties I felt the same aloneness, but I look back now and know that all the things I felt and did (alone) were part of something bigger..... and that they all counted. It's hard to stay positive when you are aware of how small a cog you are isn't it.... but my hope and belief is that all our individual positive energies add up to be SO much greater than the sum of their parts.... little cogs in an enormous unstoppable wheel! I don't know this, or anything, for sure, but it helps me get out of bed in the mornings to think and believe it :-)
      Much love to you x

  3. One Great Big Smile, Brigit! From a heart full of love on my screen - yours. Thank you!

    1. Sending a HUGE big smile and a heart full of love back to you lovely Annie! xxx

  4. Aww...I love your dream....hope it will not be a dream one day... Your post is so heartwarming! Warm hug from the Netherlands!

    1. Thank you for your comment Martine.... and for your lovely warm hug from the Netherlands! Much love, Brigit x

  5. Thank you for the positive thoughts so beautifully put.

    1. And thank you for reading my thoughts.... x

  6. many good things to be thankful for. And Ally, I too do things alone, ironically, from within the madding crowd. Wishing us all peace and understanding.

  7. Lyrical and insightful, Brigit. I felt like going and waking up the kids to read this to them… though maybe not; morning will do.

    Sometimes I think we are doing so well, packing ourselves into cities: we consume less (relative to country cousins); economically, we connect more, we're more "efficient". But Trump. Cityboy. Totally disconnected from nature (see: EPA, Pruitt), climate, people (anyway, with net worth <$10bn). And he's just the tip of the iceberg. Are we losing our way?

  8. I just watched your Mason bee video. I was wondering about a north facing wall as placement of the nest. I was told south facing. Are you in the southern hemisphere? Did I get advice that was wrong? Also I will set up a mud bath for them. I have an old plum and 3 apple trees and would love to help out the bees while they are assisting in pollinating my orchard. Great video loved watching them!

    1. Hello, thank you for watching my mason bee video!
      I'm in the Northern hemisphere, so for mason bees here in the UK the wall needs to be south or south/east facing. If you already have an orchard you are bound to attract them.
      Here's a page from my favourite site with loads more information about solitary bee hotels -

      I hope this helps x

  9. Simply wonderful Brigit. It really is about connection with the natural world. Unfortunately as it stands a few people really get it and understand this connection with the natural world, but the vast majority don't. Even many of those who say they "love the countryside" or the natural world, just have a vague feeling that it looks nice.

    The problem is, that to most people semi-natural or natural habitat, wild species etc. just look like green mush. In other words they see vegetation, things buzzing and flying around, but they recognise none of this. They cannot tell the difference between a bee, a hoverfly or a wasp. It is just too much and something they are really deeply unfamiliar with. They cannot assimilate it, and they cannot therefore connect to it.

    But I know this connection can be re-awoken in most. I have shown many people with not much knowledge or not much interest with the natural world, what is around them, and they have been dumbstruck. The most common expression has been that it is like a religious experience or being in a cathedral. But they have no word for it, no category of experience to file it away has, so it is eventually lost to them again.

  10. I want all of this... nothing seems more true, and simple and yet complicated. Beautifully put - and the list itself brightened my morning. Thank you!

  11. Brigit I have just found this after the link on twitter. This is powerful prose and a feeling shared by many. Maybe one day when the world has tired of its trinkets we may all find the joy in the simplicity of being at one with the earth,nature, the universe. I feel we will evolve into higher beings that understand our place as part of the whole. Human exceptionalism has had its day..keep on being a torch bearer
